(330) 673-7752 www.umcinstow@gmail.com

Worship at UMCStow

A typical Sunday morning at UMCStow includes your choice of two worship services and Sunday School for all ages. Scroll down for details on the services.

Regular Schedule 

          8:30 AM Contemporary Worship,

Childcare and Children’s Church available

          9:30 AM Sunday School for all ages

          10:45 AM Traditional Worship

Childcare and Children’s Church available

Summer Schedule (First Sunday in June – Labor Day)

          9:30 AM Worship

Childcare and Children’s Church available

Praise Team8:30 AM Contemporary Worship

Greet the morning with our 8:30 Contemporary Service. Worship songs are lead by the Praise Team, comprised of vocalists and piano. Children are welcomed to the front for the Children’s Moment and then can choose to go to a different room and attend Children’s Church. Joys and concerns are shared and lifted in prayer. Thoughtful sermons focus on applying scripture to our everyday lives. A time of fellowship follows each service.


sam_157310:45 Traditional Worship

Sing the songs of our heritage (and a few of the new ones as well) during our Traditional Service at 10:45. The Chancel Choir and organ flavor the music. Children are invited to the front for a special message during the Children’s Moment and then can go to Children’s Church if they choose. Joys and concerns are lifted in prayer. Sermons discuss how to understand scripture in today’s world and apply it to our lives. A fellowship time, featuring fruit and pastries, follows every service.


Aug 21 16 49:30 AM Summer and Holiday Blended Worship

During the summer months and on some holidays we worship in one combined service at 9:30 AM. Please call the church office or check the Church Calendar (in the Keeping You Informed section of this website) if you are uncertain about the coming Sunday’s schedule.