(330) 673-7752 www.umcinstow@gmail.com
Calling All Heros!

Calling All Heros!

Calling all Heroes! One of my favorite events is quickly approaching and I can’t wait! At Vacation Bible School, we will be visiting Hero Central to see how we can be everyday heroes. We don’t need any special powers when we discover our strength in God! Each day we will find our strength through heart, courage, wisdom, hope and power. Rotate through several stations including Bible Story, Science, Snack and Recreation. Join us at missions to work on projects honoring heroes in our lives and the community.

Every year, I am in awe at the amazing kids that visit us. VBS takes a lot of planning and time, but the rewards far outweigh the time! As a church, we touch the lives, on average, of 75 children with this outreach mission. There are adult assignments just waiting to be taken on. Accept your challenge today and become an everyday hero to so many kids!

VBS meeting this Sunday, May 7, right after second service in Room 200.

Register yourself and/or child today on the church website (http://umcstow.org/vbs/) or pick up a registration form at church.


Crockpots for Missions

Crockpots for Missions

Our annual Chili Fest is not just a judging of delicious meals in a crockpot. It’s also a chance to raise money for missions by auctioning off homemade pies. In addition, it’s a chance for people to get goofy!
Share a song, do a magic trick, or tell a joke! When the worlds seems topsy turvy, it’s always good to do something meaningful with a splash of fun. Come to Fellowship Hall on February 4, 5-7 p.m. and have your spirit lifted!

Children’s Creations

Children’s Creations

The Create Day and Children’s Art Auction were a HUGE success!!! Kids, ages 3-17, had a great time listening to stories about God’s creation and his covenant with us. They then got busy on their own creations! These turned out amazing. The descriptions and artists bios they wrote were equally amazing! The finished products were then put on display and auctioned off. We raised a little over $300.00 to be divided between VBS and apportionments! The evening was full of fun, food and fellowship.

I was looking forward to the create day and auction. Little did I know how much fun they would be! The kids knew just what they wanted to do. Their creative, little minds seemed like they were moving a mile a minute! The stories they told about their art work gave me a lot to think about. I sometimes forget that they have so much knowledge inside of them. As an adult, I tend to loose my child like “just do it attitude” and try not to think about the end result, but just that moment.

Thanks to the kids for reminding me of that and to everyone that came out to bid, donate or volunteer!

“GrandPals” Day

“GrandPals” Day

This month Children’s Place Learning Center honored all of the special people in our children’s lives with a breakfast. We call this Breakfast with GrandPals. Many of our students do not have biological grandparents that live close to them; therefore, our center invites anyone that is close to the child. This year we had 98% participation by included extended family and friends. Our goal was to increase the bond between family and school. I am happy to report we have done just that! Our guests enjoyed a variety of breakfast pastries, participated in activities and received a hand-made gift from the child they were visiting.

We cannot wait for next year!            Mrs. Angie Collier, Center Director

The Toolbox

The Toolbox

The people should not think that small beginnings are unimportant. They will be happy when they see Zerubbabel with tools, building the Temple.          Zehariah 4:10


I once told Bob W. that I’d always wanted a toolbox. Bob is the handyperson and tech guy for the church, but he donates his time and talent for free. I knew Bob would understand my need for tools in my job as the church secretary. In fourteen years, I’ve tried to fix things with borrowed hammers, screwdrivers, measuring tapes, and more. Bob gifted me a toolbox sometime later, and I put my name on it thinking that it would be mine forever. Wrong. This toolbox is used constantly by others, and I love it! The tools are always returned because everyone knows I use these tools in my job. You see, Church is more than just worshiping God in the sanctuary. It’s also about using a trowel to weed the yard, measuring a space to see if the new printer will fit, screwing in a nut and bolt to tighten the copier, etc. The church may stand on a rock, but the people inside it and the tools used to build and repair it are just as important. We all need a toolbox!

Abundant Generosity

Abundant Generosity

Twenty-six cents

A young boy came to our Food Pantry with his mother and grandmother.  When they had finished shopping, he took 26¢ out of his pocket and gave it to the Food Pantry volunteer to buy something for the food pantry!  Does this bring to mind the poor widow in the Bible who put two small copper coins, about a penny, into the offering box?  Jesus told his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box.  For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”  Please let this young boy’s generosity be a challenge to you to “give out of your abundance” and continue to keep the Food Pantry shelves stocked with your donations.


  • Jan Mather, Food Pantry Volunteer

(Originally published June 21, 2016)