(330) 673-7752 www.umcinstow@gmail.com
Follow the Star

Follow the Star

Advent…a time to wait…a time to CELEBRATE!!! When I think of Mary and Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem, I can’t imagine traveling eight miles on the back of a donkey with very little baggage. Not only that, but also the anticipation of a baby that was about to be born. This was not an ordinary child. He had visitors ranging from the lowly shepherd to the royalty of kings. They all knew they had to come to this boy called Jesus for different reasons. We, too, need to come to Jesus for one reason…he was sent as a gift by God to save all of us. All we have to do is except that gift. Follow the star as the shepherds and Wiseman did. They traveled over many miles to find the Christ Child. All we have to do is say YES!

Children’s Creations

Children’s Creations

The Create Day and Children’s Art Auction were a HUGE success!!! Kids, ages 3-17, had a great time listening to stories about God’s creation and his covenant with us. They then got busy on their own creations! These turned out amazing. The descriptions and artists bios they wrote were equally amazing! The finished products were then put on display and auctioned off. We raised a little over $300.00 to be divided between VBS and apportionments! The evening was full of fun, food and fellowship.

I was looking forward to the create day and auction. Little did I know how much fun they would be! The kids knew just what they wanted to do. Their creative, little minds seemed like they were moving a mile a minute! The stories they told about their art work gave me a lot to think about. I sometimes forget that they have so much knowledge inside of them. As an adult, I tend to loose my child like “just do it attitude” and try not to think about the end result, but just that moment.

Thanks to the kids for reminding me of that and to everyone that came out to bid, donate or volunteer!

Reaching Children

Reaching Children

School is in full swing! Backpacks are filled with supplies. Lunches are bought or packed each day. Lessons are taught. Homework is given out and handed back in. We think a lot about what our kids need as they return to school each fall. What is another need our children have that isn’t taught in school? The need to know Jesus. The classes, tests, studying and other things will get children where they want to be on this earth, but they need more to get to their “forever” life.

Learning how God wants us to live and becoming disciples of Jesus are what kids will be learning during Sunday School and Kids’ Church. “Deep Blue” is the program for 4 years to 6th grade. We will launch the year on September 11 with a Deep Blue Adventure Party. All children 4 years to 6th grade are invited. We will meet in Room 200 at 9:30. Come and join in the fun!

The Arise Class, 7th grade-12th grade will be continuing with The Story. Teens will experience stories from Genesis to Revelation. Like any good story, they are filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance and redemption. This class meets in rooms 106/108 at 9:30 Sunday mornings.

As Methodists, God is calling you to reach:

A child that is on their tiptoes, ready to be taught

A child God has placed on your heart

A child whose potential you can encourage

A child difficult to reach

A child who needs a mentor

A child whose needs are not met


Please consider joining us to bring these lessons to the kids of our congregation.

Sunday School is still in need of two people for the 1st Sunday of every month.


Kids Church is in need of volunteers as well.

1st Sunday-two at 10:45

3rd Sunday-two at 8:30

4th Sunday-two at 8:30


“One thing is certain: It will be far easier to just stay comfortable and leave children unreached. If we do, John Wesley only asked that we do not call ourselves Methodists.”


From the book: Seven Things John Wesley Expected Us to Do for Kids


Building Up Others

We have all heard the statements “Step outside your comfort zone”, “Think outside the box”, “Lend your gifts and talents”. I know many of us have followed some of these at one time or another. When it comes to ministry to children, John Wesley had his own take on these. Wesley believed that ministry to children was very important. Although he believed we all have gifts and we are to “eagerly, desire, seek and pray for these gifts” (1 Corinthians 12:31), we are also reminded that the greatest gifts are those that build others up. Wesley revealed “That’s not my gift” for what it often is…a nice Christian way of saying, “Go find someone else.” He said that if we are no good at ministering to children, we are to keep getting better by practice and we are to pray for greater gifts in this area.

Christopher Miles Ritter gave a great example in the book he wrote Seven Things John Wesley Expected Us to do for Kids. “I often think of my Grandma Virginia, who worked assembling aircraft in the early 1940’s. Her training and gifts were in home economics, not riveting. Why did she involve herself in such an ill-suited job? A war was on. The need was urgent. The workers were few. She jumped in, did what she could, and got better as she went along. I think this is the spirit in which Wesley called (Methodists) to instruct the young. The task is too large and urgent to restrict it to the equipped, the gifted, or even the willing.”

I feel the need is urgent, the workers are few and there is a type of war raging within this world that future generations are ill equipped to handle the way God intended them to. We, as a congregation, need to step outside our comfort zone to guide these children in the direction that is just, right and true. Our future, and the future of generations to come, depend on it.

James 3:17 says: “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we all took this to heart and used it in our daily lives?

Please join me and “step outside” on August 14, after service in room 200, to see how you can help lead the children of this church on the path God has laid out for them.


(Originally published July 25, 2016)



AMAZING is all I can say about the start of VBS! The kids are Catching the Wave of God’s Amazing Love at the Surf Shack to see what God does. What can’t God do? NOTHING!!! Everything is possible with God’s help. I know because VBS would have never come together without the talent that God sent! I am so thankful for everyone that is helping this week, helped before this week and will stay late on Friday to take it all down. From a lifeguard that leads, to the assembly crew that is so excited to spread the word and the station workers that guide the kids through stories, snacks, missions, experiments and games, how can you not have an AMAZING week! Not only are we finding out what God does, but also what we can do for others. Join us in donating to the Battered Women’s Shelter. We are accepting monetary donations as well as paper products, NEW underwear in child and adult sizes, OTC medication, cleaning supplies and NEW stuffed animals. These can be dropped off at church all week. Let’s extend a comforting hand to those who need it. One remark, overheard the first day, says it all, “I feel like I am at the beach!” Come catch the wave!!!!


(Originally published June 23, 2016)