(330) 673-7752 www.umcinstow@gmail.com
God’s Promise

God’s Promise

It seems that every morning there is some horrible news I wake up to. Whether it is the destruction from natural disasters that occur world wide or the ones that are inflicted at the hands of humans, it is hard to not ask “why?” Why do these things happen in nature? How can other humans be so cruel and inhuman? What can I, as one person, do to help? There are no easy answers and some questions have no answers. I do know one thing, God is in charge. I was reminded of His promise at work the other day. As I walked to room 200, I noticed a rainbow on the floor. It was just what I needed. It guided my path on my many trips back and forth. As it faded throughout the day, my faith grew stronger. I knew that although the rainbow was no longer visible, it’s meaning still was. We all have our storms and suffering to get through. Ours might seem small to the ones happening around us, but to God they are important and knowing He is with us might ease the pain.

Reading Club’s Super Ending

The reading club came to an end in a Super way! After finishing up our Super Reader Capes, some of our favorite stories were read to us. We played Super Group Games and then we all worked together to make a Super Size Sundae over 8′ long! With so many toppings to choose from, it was hard to pick our favorites. After a summer full of fun and reading, we all are officially Super Readers!!!

Road Trips

Road Trips

In Kids’ Church, we have taken a Road Trip without leaving the building! We witnessed Peter making a mad dash to the beach when he saw Jesus. A trip to the museum reminded us about the past and how we can learn from our mistakes, just like Saul. Outside play is always needed and got us up and running! We even went to summer school and learned how Jesus enjoyed going to temple to learn and teach. The last trip, we took, was to camp. It is a place that you can do crafts, sports, take hikes and make a true friend, even though it might only be for the summer. Join us to finish out the Road Trip as we go to the fair, the pool and then back home! Whew! We will need a rest after all of this!

Mission Thank You

Mission Thank You

There are so many things to love about Vacation Bible School…making new friends, surprising science experiments, delicious snacks, songs that make you dance, rambunctious games, inspiring Bible stories and so much more!

One of my favorite things, and I think the participants as well, is the mission project that is done each day. On Monday, the kids made Bee-attitude bookmarks, Tuesday was decorating cookies, Wednesday was decorating the cookie boxes and making SUPER size thank you cards, Thursday was filling Super Treat Bags and Friday was a Super Scroll of Thanks! Whew, they were busy!

The bookmarks and treat bags were given to The Harvest Home in Akron. The scroll was for the kids to give to their own personal Super Hero. The cookies and cards were delivered by three Super Heroes to the Stow Fire and Police Departments and Akron General Hospital in Stow. The recipients were so thankful to be thought of and could not express how this act of kindness made them feel. We need to take time out to remember these “Everyday” Heroes that serve and protect us.

Serving others is something we need to do all the time. You get a warm, fuzzy feeling back when you give to others. Jesus wants us to leave our comfort zone and “Do good! Seek peace and go after it!” Psalm 34:14

Calling All Heros!

Calling All Heros!

Calling all Heroes! One of my favorite events is quickly approaching and I can’t wait! At Vacation Bible School, we will be visiting Hero Central to see how we can be everyday heroes. We don’t need any special powers when we discover our strength in God! Each day we will find our strength through heart, courage, wisdom, hope and power. Rotate through several stations including Bible Story, Science, Snack and Recreation. Join us at missions to work on projects honoring heroes in our lives and the community.

Every year, I am in awe at the amazing kids that visit us. VBS takes a lot of planning and time, but the rewards far outweigh the time! As a church, we touch the lives, on average, of 75 children with this outreach mission. There are adult assignments just waiting to be taken on. Accept your challenge today and become an everyday hero to so many kids!

VBS meeting this Sunday, May 7, right after second service in Room 200.

Register yourself and/or child today on the church website (http://umcstow.org/vbs/) or pick up a registration form at church.