(330) 673-7752 www.umcinstow@gmail.com

AMAZING is all I can say about the start of VBS! The kids are Catching the Wave of God’s Amazing Love at the Surf Shack to see what God does. What can’t God do? NOTHING!!! Everything is possible with God’s help. I know because VBS would have never come together without the talent that God sent! I am so thankful for everyone that is helping this week, helped before this week and will stay late on Friday to take it all down. From a lifeguard that leads, to the assembly crew that is so excited to spread the word and the station workers that guide the kids through stories, snacks, missions, experiments and games, how can you not have an AMAZING week! Not only are we finding out what God does, but also what we can do for others. Join us in donating to the Battered Women’s Shelter. We are accepting monetary donations as well as paper products, NEW underwear in child and adult sizes, OTC medication, cleaning supplies and NEW stuffed animals. These can be dropped off at church all week. Let’s extend a comforting hand to those who need it. One remark, overheard the first day, says it all, “I feel like I am at the beach!” Come catch the wave!!!!


(Originally published June 23, 2016)