(330) 673-7752 www.umcinstow@gmail.com

A couple weeks ago our congregation gathered for a Sunday evening of games, fellowship, and s’mores at our outdoor shelter behind the church.  While a couple people got the fire going others enjoyed a group game. There were snacks and the promise of gooey treats.  There were children, youth, and and adults of all ages. While one game was finishing up I ran over to the parsonage on the other side of our wooded area to get some roasting forks.  As I walked back I stopped and closed my eyes to listen to a most wonderful sound.  It was the sound of talking and laughter.  It echoed through the trees and it was such a blessing.  Listening to the children of God being together, enjoying the moment, joking with one another, and shouting words of encouragement is even better than hearing angels sing!


(Originally published August 5, 2016)