Having been asked to share my thoughts in our church blog, I was a bit nervous about doing so. My siblings and I (eight of us) often exchange our mixed opinions with one another and, knowing blood is thicker than water, I trust that none of them will disown me. Our family bond is very real, thanks to my late parents, Ruth and Stan Arthurs.
My belief in God has evolved over my entire life. Raised by a mom whose own faith began in the Missouri Synod Lutheran church of her youth, she carried on the tradition with all eight of us, having made it clear to her husband this would be the case and expected him to be an active member in her church. (Bringing a family of ten to church was a huge undertaking every week.) My mom served as organist, children’s choir director and Sunday school teacher. She is the person closest to being a saint I will ever know.
I sang in the choir and played the piano. This led to my being drafted to take the place of our organist. As a fifteen year old, who had not found her own personal faith, this would be my first job, not a calling.
Now, many decades later, I can state that my faith became real to me BECAUSE of my years on the bench at the United Methodist Churches of Aurora, Twin Falls and now in Stow. It was in my thirties I came to understand that God had been my strength and inspiration in my own personal life. My music ministry has truly been a great and glorious gift from God.
Soli Deo Gloria,
- Kim Gallagher, Organist
(Originally published July 19, 2016)