Bible Studies and Small Groups
Bible Studies and Small Groups usually meet in the evening. There are often new groups forming, so please contact the church office to learn what is being planned.Bible Studies
Studies are a great way to get to know the Bible or dig deep into it's pages. They are limited in the number of weeks they meet and use a resource book as their focus.
Bible 101
Are you new to the Bible? This four-week class will introduce you to the wonderful book that forms our faith.
Women’s Study –
This short term study will meet in the fall of 2016 and discuss the book Children of the Day by Beth Moore.
Small Groups
These are long-term groups that focus on developing member's faith. They meet in a variety of locations, including area restaurants and member's homes. Each group determines what their focus will be.
Class Meeting
Class Meetings are based on the classes formed by John Wesley, where members ask each other “How is it with your soul?” Members support and encourage each other in their faith struggles and celebrate their joys as well. These classes meet weekly and require a strong attendance commitment from it’s members.
Coffee & Conversation
Coffee & Conversation is a once-a-month gathering for those seeking an hour fun and frivolity. There is no agenda for this group except fellowship. All are welcome. Check the calendar or call the church office for the date and time for this month!
This group meets monthly in member’s homes. They discuss books and share each others joys and concerns.
This fellowship of women who meet at area restaurants for lunch.
This group of women gather at the church once a month for Bible Study.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
6:30 AM, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, The Cafe in Stow
Geezer Breakfast
9:00 AM, 3rd Thursday, Isaly’s
A time of fellowship for senior men.
United Methodist Women (UMW)
The UMW supports missions that help women, children and youth in our area and around the world. The group raises funds for these missions and also meets for social and informational gatherings. Dates, times and activities vary, so please call the church office for more information.